Join Lulaworld across the city (and beyond) for our five-night CUBAN JAZZ FEST showcasing award-winning Cuban Canadian jazz artists!
Canada is home to some of the finest Cuban talent anywhere! Enjoy new works, classic compositions and open improv by Jorge Betancourt, Hilario Durán, Dánae Olano, Amhed Mitchel, Roberto Riveron Mederos & Alexis Baro.
Presented in collaboration with Cuba in Toronto with support from Ontario Creates, Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts and Canadian Heritage.
Jan 28 - BETA (Cuban Jazz Improv with Jorge Betancourt ) BSMT 254: 8 PM DOORS | 9 PM CONCERT
Jan 29 - HILARIO DURAN SOLO With Q & A - Lula Lounge 6:30 PM DOORS |7:30 CONCERT
Jan 30 - DANAE OLANO TRIO - Drom Taberna 6:00 PM DOORS |6:30 CONCERT
Jan 31 - SON ACHE - Lula Lounge - 7 PM DOORS | 10 PM CONCERT
Feb 1 - ALEXIS BARO at the Jazz Room (Waterloo) - 6:30 PM DOORS | 8 PM CONCERT

Lula Music and Arts was thrilled to partner with the Dundas West Open Air Museum and the Little Portugal Toronto BIA, to host a free matinee concert featuring Crystal Shawanda and Beny Esguerra as part of a multi-disciplinary celebration of the Indigenous history of the land on which we work.
The Dundas West's 8th Fire project features a new original artwork by Philip Cote that maps and graphically illuminates our region's Indigenous past and present. Read more at dundaswest.museum.
women in percussion festival

A 5-day festival of concerts and workshops celebrating local and international women percussionists with roots in Brazil, Jamaica, Venezuela, Cuba, India, Korea, Japan and First Nations.
Women in Percussion showcases groundbreaking international and local percussionists who have defied the social norms that have historically deterred many women from pursuing drumming and percussion. While the featured artists are based in diverse musical traditions and genres, they all draw strength from studying, performing and mastering percussive arts and share a passion for music education, especially for young women musicians.
Most of the artists in the festival tell stories about how they were discouraged or even forbidden from studying drumming because of their gender and how they have overcome these challenges to follow their calling as percussionists. The festival is a testament to their courage and dedication in pursuing their chosen instruments as well as to how they can inspire other women to explore the power of percussion.